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Buffalo, your Sensual Touch
If Buffalo could be summed up in two words, renaissance and diversity would be its philosophy! A brand known for its famous line of trainers has seduced the population with new feminine models. From the classic court shoe to the ancient gladiator sandal, not to forget retro flip-flops, Buffalo incorporates every trend, always with a touch of glamour to bring it together. And if we add durability and comfort into the mix, Buffalo undeniably has everything we are looking for!

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Buffalo Shoes

Buffalo, the brand of totally trendy women's shoes is online at

The brand made famous from its line of wedge trainers has expanded their collection. Buffalo has designed a wide range of women's shoes that you can find on Spartoo. Mixing glamour and femininity, Buffalo shoes will certainly please fashion lovers looking for a pair of cool shoes that go well with their wardrobe.

Find a wide choice of shoes from Buffalo on Spartoo

Buffalo has created models for all styles and needs. From super glamourous stiletto heels to women's boots to classic flat shoes, Buffalo shoes will meet the needs of every fashionista looking for the latest trends.

Women's Fashion: Find the best designer shoe brands online

In the shoe collection of a true shoe addict, we'll certainly find a multitude of pairs from the trendiest brands of the moment that are available on Spartoo : Palladium, Buffalo, Jonak, Betty London or even Airstep / A.S.98, you'll be sure to find the must-have model in terms of fashion and shoes.

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