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KothaiPouches / Clutches Kothai 

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Kothai: funky street wear
The French brand created by the Chauveau brothers has made a name for themselves in the world of fashion and accessories since 2005. The spirit of the brand, based on traveling, music, contemporary art and photography has conquered the hearts of the young and the very young, men and women, and especially those who are passionate about those subjects. In fact, year after year, Kothai has been able to surround themselves with the best creators to offer unique, cool collections. As well as collaborating directly with artists and officially licensed products, today Kothai has prestigious collections such as Royal Air Force, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Brown and more, with photographers from the famous photography agency Magnum. Plus, Kothai places their contemporary art origins in priority by working directly with known artists like Grems, the Australian Mark Drew or even the French group Montreal 123 Klan.

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